Saturday, April 01, 2006

Tiger and EJB 3.0

The new java 5.0 or Tiger provides the developer with the facility to use annotation in his programs. This has paved the way for the new EJB 3.0 standard. The EJB 3.0 is much better than the older specification and hoping it will be adopted with much zeal by the industry. The main features of EJB 3.0 are -
1. No Need for deployment descriptors.
2. New O/R mapping , somewhat like Hibernate.
3. No Home Interface.

Hence, developers will be writing Plain Old Java Objects (Pojo) with annotations and with help of Tiger, the deployment descriptors and Home Interfaces will be done. For example, a Stateless Sesssion Bean (SLSB) would be a pojo with the annotation @stateless.
Business interface will not be needed and by default all public methods will be treated as business interfaces, or one can use the annotation @Business Method. Similarly, by default all interfaces will be local and one can have a remote interface as @Remote.

I have still not gone through the new O/R mapping that will be given in EJB 3.0, but it expected to be somewhat like Hibernate, and will have a new EJB QL. I will try out some samples in Hibernate and maybe then explore the O/R part of EJB 3.0 specs.

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